The India Rupee symbol is now part of the official Unicode standardbut for you to type that new currency sign into your favorite wordprocessor or spreadsheet using a regular keyboard, your existing fontsmust be updated to the new standard as well.
There are some font families – like DejaVu fonts- that have been updated to the new Unicode standard and thus includesupport for the new currency symbol but the problem is that these fontshave limited adoption.
Well the good news is that Microsoft has recently updated all thecommon fonts the ship with Windows to include support for the newIndian Rupee symbol. That means you can open a document insideMicrosoft Word (or notepad), select a popular font family like Arial orTimes New Roman, and type the Rupee sign directly.
To get started, you first need to update your existing Windows fonts by installing the kb2496898 hotfixavailable for both Windows Vista and Windows 7. Once installed, thiswill update the Arial.ttf, Times.ttf, Tahoma.ttf and some of the otherfont files on your computer with the latest version.
How to Type the Indian Rupee Symbol using Arial
Launch Microsoft Word, change the document font to Arial or Tahoma, and type 20B9 followed by Alt-x. If the 20b9 string is converted into a Rupee symbol, as in the screenshot above, the update has been successfully applied.
The Microsoft fonts update is available as a free download to anyonewho is running a genuine copy of Windows 7 or Vista. However, if youadd the Rupee symbol to your document and share it with anothercolleague who doesn’t have the latest Windows fonts, they are likely tosee some junk characters in place of the Rupee sign.
A simple solution to this problem is that you create a PDF file ofyour Word document with font embedding enabled and that should preservethe character even if the font is missing.
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